Friday, September 10, 2010

Notes on Malliavin's Absolute Continuity Lemma

--What is this?

--Who or what is Malliavin?

--Where’d my sandwich go?

--Research “measure theory.” See if it has something to do with measuring things.

--If that guy in the sweater took my sandwich, I’m going to poison him

--Disregard last note. Guy in sweater’s sandwich is pastrami. Mine was turkey.

--What is this?! Aaaaahhhhh!

--The professor looks just like Donald Sutherland in Animal House, only is a fat blond woman, and no mustache.

--That guy’s sandwich looks really good.

--Later, buy some pastrami.

--Thought I saw girl sitting across from me’s panties. Turned out to be sleeve of jacket. Still kind of cool.

--Hey, you know what would make a good movie? Adam Sandler plays a guy with a pet gorilla, and they go on adventures together. In the end, the gorilla kills Adam Sandler. Then he cries when he realizes he killed his best friend.

--Guy next to me is wearing glasses--must be smart. Copy his notes?

-- The sum and difference of two absolutely continuous functions are also absolutely continuous. If the two functions are defined on a bounded closed interval, then their product is also absolutely continuous.

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