Friday, October 15, 2010

Six Signs Your Girlfriend is Actually Lex Luthor

Oh, we've all been there. You meet a pretty girl, and, like those strippers that one time, you're pretty sure she likes you. You date a little, feel her up a couple times, maybe see her naked. That's cool. Then, your mind turns to the future, and you wonder, as all men do from time to time, is my girlfriend who she says, or is she evil scientist extraordinaire Lex Luthor?

Six simple questions to solve this oh-so-masculine quandary:

*Regardless of the flow of conversation, does she always brings up Superman, particularly how she hates him and wants to destroy him?

*Does she live in a nice apartment, or the Hall of Doom?

*Did she once break off the top of the Washington Monument and hurl it point first at Superman?

*Is she a scientist? A mad scientist, as it were?

*Is she bald?

*Does she have a penis that is also bald?

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