Friday, October 8, 2010

Confusion at 45,000 Feet

Pilot (after dropping incendiary bombs): Bullseye, Jonesy. Those red bastards won’t be able to sprout so much as a patch of grass for the next twenty years.

Copilot: Not a patch of grass?

Pilot: Not a patch of grass.

Copilot (confused): And why’d you call them red?

Pilot (indignant): Because they’re communists, Jonesy, Jesus.

Copilot (more confused): Japan are communists?

Pilot: No, China. Damn Jonesy, you--

Copilot: Wait, but wasn’t that--

Pilot: Yes, Japan.

Copilot: But, wait, did they say to bomb Japan or China?

Pilot: China... Right?

Copilot: I think so, yeah, but that was Japan.

Pilot: Dammit, not again.

Copilot: The general’s gonna be pissed.

Pilot: Well no shit, Jonesy.

Copilot: Should we, uh--

Pilot: No, I’m not going back. We’ve gone too far.

Copilot: Yeah, I’m getting pretty hungry

Pilot: Whew, tell me about it. I could eat a horse.

Copilot: A horse?

Pilot: Yep, a horse.

Copilot: Wow, you are hungry. Chipotle?

Pilot: Yeah. Oh, and uh, if anyone asks, we bombed China.

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