Monday, October 11, 2010

Jeff's Rebuttal

“The human body is a beautiful thing,” the pornographer said. “In our work, we strip away a literal and figural facade, and that process, in itself, is beautiful.” The pornographer pointed at his day’s subject, a buxom blond known best for her buxomness, named Kandi. “Look at Kandi here,” he said. “Look me in the eye and tell me her body isn’t beautiful.”
    The interviewer grinned and gave a thumbs up, as if to say, "Boing-oing-oing."
    “As I was saying,” said the pornographer. “We live in an age where violence is romanticized. Where any kid can turn on the TV and see images of dead bodies, of oppression and famine. And yet, we’re told that this,” he said, pointing again to Kandi’s naked body, “this is obscene!”
    “This pornographer makes a pretty good point,” the interviewer thought to himself.
    Then the fat, naked, hairy guy walked in.

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