Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Survivor

    The bad news is that we’d been waylaid by some African pirates. The good news, that instead of killing us, they just cut us with their knives a few times each and left us to die on a raft at sea.
    As we join my story, I’m hungry and trying to convince the rest of the survivors that we should probably kill and eat Doug who, I thought long before the pirates ever even boarded the ship, looked pretty tasty--”Look at his fat face,” I heard myself saying. “Imagine how tender that meat must be.”
    The rest of the survivors looked at me in disgust. Doug chimed in that he had snuck a box of energy bars aboard, that there were twelve of them, easily enough to keep us alive for maybe a week if we ate strategically. “Shut up, Doug,” I told him, which sounds harsh. But by that point, I had had enough of his one-upsmanship-- “We shouldn’t slow down to see what these pirates want, we should drive to safety;” “we shouldn’t grab all the booze, we should grab food, supplies and water;” “we shouldn’t eat me, we should eat these energy bars, here.”
    “And another thing,” I said, “Who the fuck likes energy bars?”
    Doug stared at me blankly, and I drank some of the whiskey I had brought.
    “You really shouldn’t,” said Doug. “Alcohol is a natural diuretic.”
    “Alcohol is a natural diuretic,” I said in a stupid voice, to mock Doug.
    “It’ll dehydrate you, and you’ll die.”
    “I’m going to eat your fat face,” I said, quietly.
    “Nothing, stupid.”
    We pretty much just floated around for a few hours, and, with nothing but the ocean to look at, I sipped my whiskey and mentally undressed Molly, the only female on board. When that got boring, when I grew tired of her nagging--”Stop staring at me;” “Honey, say something;” “Pervert!”--I passed out in my own considerable filth.
    Of course, I didn’t recall dreaming what with the boozin’, but apparently, I had--vividly so.
    I woke up to Molly and her husband’s faces, stricken with terror, staring out at the sea, which was red now. “What’s with the red sea?” I asked. They told me that, in my sleep, I had been thrashing around and knocked Doug overboard. A group of great white sharks then tore him to bits while the couple watched in terror. There was more, but I drifted back to sleep.
    The second time I woke up, the happy couple was gone. Knocked overboard by my thrashing, I suppose. Anyway, no point in dwelling on the past, so I enjoyed an energy bar. Then the coast guard saved me. Nice bunch, those coast guard types. They gave me some hot wings.

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