Friday, February 11, 2011

A Mother's Love

It was a cool spring morning, a Saturday in Bloody, New Jersey. Bennie sat alone in the family’s living room watching television and picking his nose--havin’ a good ole nose-pickin’ type of time. Between episodes of Cheaters, with a multi-textured bugger sitting just out of his reach, there was a curious rattling at the door and, disregarding the rules pertaining to opening doors for strangers, Bennie streaked from his perch on the family couch and answered.
    Upon swinging the door open, Bennie discovered that, unlike most guests at the Patterson house, this one was a bear. A grizzly. A bona fide, picnic-stealin’ trout gobbler.
    Bennie shrieked in terror. The grizzly growled in hunger. Bennie’s mother went, “Guh,” in confusion.
    She descended the stairs quickly to find her son cornered by the lumbering beast. Grabbing a broomstick from the closet, she knocked her son out of harm’s way. And you know how they say women experience an almost superhuman strength when their children are in danger?
    Well, she didn’t have that. She was mauled to death.

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